Volunteer Opportunities
The Josephine County Food Bank thrives on the support of our volunteers. Our mission is only possible through the hard work and support of our volunteers, who generously donate their time and energy to ensure that our community has access to healthy food.
Getting Started as a Volunteer
Please register below to volunteer as an individual or as a group. After you register, you will receive email updates about future volunteer needs and can self-schedule your volunteer shifts online.
Please sign and complete our waiver before your first volunteer shift.
Paper applications can be downloaded here, or picked up at our offices.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have a variety of opportunities available for individuals of all ages and experiences. Join us in the fight against hunger today!
Help sort and inspect food donations, and pack boxes at our warehouse on the main JCFB campus.
Raptor Creek Farm
Assist farm staff with weeding, prepping soil, harvesting, sowing seed and all aspects of growing food for our community.
Food Demos
Help us teach fresh, healthy recipes from items found in a food box. If you love cooking, this is the volunteering job for you!
Special Events
We are always in need of volunteers for special events like food drives and community outreach!
Pop-up Pantries
We run two pop-up pantries in Wolf Creek and Kerby and need volunteers to help with food distribution at these events.
Community Service
Volunteer shifts are available for court-mandated or other types of community service requiring formal verification.
Grants Pass Food Project
On the 2nd Saturday of every even month, we pick up food donated to the Grants Pass Food Project. Become a neighborhood coordinator or help sort food on pickup days.
Corporate Volunteering
Volunteer as a team and build team dynamics! Please contact us at outreachcoordinator@jocofoodbank.org, or call 541-479-5556.